2010년 6월 29일 화요일

[POPSelca]Taec-yeon is an outdoor “IRIS” fan!

The new fluent and in-control tweeter has posted two more twitpics for you.

2pm‘s talented rapper/singer is sharing the spotlight in his recent pictures. On June 21st, Taec-yeon share his Birdie Beast snapshots with fellow 2pmer,Jun-ho (in addition to local citizens),and IRIS actor Lee Byung-hun.The two are typical Twitpics with a “Taec” flair. He is the only one who can make a normal outdoor shoot look like a star-turned-stalker fan incident. It is hilarious to see how the tables have turned for fans with this K-pop superstar.Of course, would you mind if this adorable guy stalked you? You might actually welcome his attention!

Taec also displays his love for the KBS drama “IRIS” with this poster imitation. If Lee Byung-hun were to see this imitation, do you think he would be flattered or frighten?

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